Are There Any Early Warning Signs Of Alcoholism?
There are a few warning signs that can help you detect an alcohol problem. However, not all of these signs are obvious. Also, there are multiple severity levels of alcohol abuse, so different persons may exhibit different symptoms that could make you think they have a problem. For instance, some addicts isolate themselves from their peers and drink in private rather than together with their family or friends. This makes it very hard for their beloved ones to realise the true extent of the problem and to take appropriate action.
Mild alcohol abuse is also very easy to overlook. Nevertheless, a minor early sign can turn into a huge problem over time. This is why the detection of such early signs is so important. The sooner you get the right treatment, the faster you’ll return to the enjoyable life you once lived. If you are a person who struggles with alcohol addiction and is based in Guildford or surrounding areas then see alcohol rehab Guildford.
What Are Some Early Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse?
Left untreated, alcohol abuse can quickly turn into a monster. When it begins to interfere with a person’s life, generating trouble and a decrease of the quality of life, this problem is known as alcohol use disorder. By observing the early signs and by seeking adequate treatment, one can speed up the recovery process.
Even though it is difficult to label someone as an alcoholic, there are symptoms that snowball into one another, triggering additional problems and ruining the life of whole families.
Here are a few of the most common hints that could signal alcohol abuse:
- Short-term memory loss episodes or temporary blackouts
- Sudden mood swings and increased irritability
- They seek excuses to drink such as to restore normalcy feeling, to unwind after a hard day, or to cope with stress
- Choosing binge drinking over duties and responsibilities
- Isolating yourself from friends and family
- Drinking by yourself and hiding it from others
- Suffering from hungover even when you don’t drink
- Changing your looks and the group of people you choose to spend time with
Never ignore even the slightest drinking problems, as they may hide something way uglier and more difficult to address. If you’re struggling to defeat your alcohol abuse problem or you know of someone who does, we are here for you. Just reach out to a treatment provider right now to find out what are the nearest treatment facilities available.
Diagnosing Alcoholism
Specialists use a series of screening tools to detect alcoholism. One of these tools is a questionnaire called CAGE, which measures the severity of the alcohol problem. Two positive answers to the CAGE questionnaire questions should send you directly to a medical professional for help.
Here’s the CAGE questionnaire:
- Have you ever considered you were drinking too much?
- Has anyone around you ever upset you by criticising your alcohol consumption habits?
- Have you ever felt guilt or regrets because of your drinking?
- Have you ever started your day with a drink to calm down or to address a hangover?
More often than not, professionals may ask you additional questions to diagnose your alcoholism. These questions refer to your drinking habits over the past year. Here are some of them:
- Have you kept drinking even though it was making you anxious, sad or depressed?
- Have you ever found yourself in the situation of drinking way more than you initially wanted?
- Have you lost your interest in your favourite activities or hobbies since you started drinking?
- Have you suffered from symptoms similar to the ones of substance withdrawal?
- Have you felt alcohol cravings?
- Have you been charged with DUI?